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  5. Horizontal Mixed Facts: 0 to 3

Horizontal Multiplication: Mixed Facts 0 to 3

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The quiz contains mixed multiplication facts with one of the factors varying from 0 to 3, and the other factor varies from 0 to 10. Recommended Level: 2nd grade and 3rd grade.

Try these facts: 0 to 2 | 0 to 4 | 0 to 5 | 0 to 6 | 0 to 7 | 0 to 8 | 0 to 9 | 0 to 10 | 0 to 11 | 0 to 12

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Vertical Multiplication: Mixed Facts

0 to 2 | 0 to 3 | 0 to 4 | 0 to 5 | 0 to 6 | 0 to 7

0 to 8 | 0 to 9 | 0 to 10 | 0 to 11 | 0 to 12

Drag and Drop Activity: Spider-web Theme

Fact 1 | Fact 2 | Fact 3 | Fact 4 | Fact 5

Fact 6 | Fact 7 | Fact 8 | Fact 9 | Fact 10

Fact 11 | Fact 12 | Fact 1 to 10 | Fact 1 to 12