Translation Worksheets

Our printable translation worksheets contain a variety of practice pages to translate a point and translate shapes according to the given rules and directions. Also, graph the image and find the new coordinates of the vertices of the translated figure in these pdf exercises. These worksheets are recommended for 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, and high school students. Plug into some of these worksheets for free!

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Translation of a Point

Translate the given point up, down, left or right based on the given directions. Each grade 6 worksheet has 12 problems.

  • pdf 1
  • pdf 2
  • pdf 3

Choose the Correct Translation

In these printable translation worksheets choose the image obtained after translating the point as described, from the given multiple choices.

  • printable 1
  • printable 2
  • printable 3

Translate the Shapes

Translate the shape following the instructions given above each problem. Each grade 7 pdf worksheet has nine problems for practice.

  • practice 1
  • practice 2
  • practice 3

Translate the Triangles

Translate each triangle on the grid. Translate the triangles to the left, right, up or down.

  • worksheet 1
  • worksheet 2
  • worksheet 3

Translate the Quadrilaterals

Translate each quadrilateral in the grid following the given instructions. Graph and label the translated image.

  • exercise 1
  • exercise 2
  • exercise 3

Write the Rules

Write directions to describe each translation under each figure. Ex. Translate 2 units up and 3 units right.

  • pdf 1
  • pdf 2
  • pdf 3

Writing Coordinates: With Graph

In these translation worksheet pdfs graph the image of the given shape after translation and find the coordinates of the vertices of the image.

  • printable 1
  • printable 2
  • printable 3

Writing New Coordinates

The coordinates of a figure are given. Grade 8 and high school students are required to write the new coordinates of the image obtained after the given translation.

  • practice 1
  • practice 2
  • practice 3

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