1st Grade Language Arts Worksheets

Go beyond books with our printable collection of 1st grade language arts worksheets with answer keys and get the extra bit of practice for the wannabe English scholars. Demonstrate a command of grammar practicing the parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, verbs and more; followed by punctuations, and making sentences; build vocabulary with synonyms, antonyms, suffix, prefix, homophones; develop reading skills with reading comprehensions; and get creative with our writing prompts. Our free English worksheets for grade 1 kids will leave you yearning for more!

Select Grade 1 ELA Worksheets by Topic

Writing the Contracted Form of Words

Combine two words and make a contracted word by replacing the vowel in the second word with an apostrophe.

Recognizing the Adjectives

Figure out the adjective or the word that describes the noun in each sentence and write it in the space provided.

Is it a Sentence or a Fragment?

If the group of words makes complete sense, label them sentence, if they don't, then label them fragment.

Completing the Animal Analogies

Comprehend the relation between the two words in one part of the analogy and write the missing word in the other part.

My Favorite Pet | Opinion Writing Prompt

Which would be your favorite pet: a rabbit, a dog or a cat? Choose one and write reasons to support your choice.

Choosing the Correct Personal Pronoun

Looking at each picture, choose the appropriate personal pronoun based on the person, gender, or number.

Capitalizing the Beginning of a Sentence

Rewrite each sentence capitalizing the first letter of the sentence and learn the basic rule of capitalization.

Choosing the Homophones

Look at the pictures, identify them, and check the correct spelling from the two given homophones.

Sequencing Events | First and Next

Observe each pair of pictures and decide, which comes first and, which comes next. Write F and N to show the sequence.

Joining Nouns Using Conjunctions

Name the nouns in the pictures and join them using the conjunctions and / or.

End Punctuations

Write suitable end punctuations: period, question mark, and exclamation point for the different types of sentences.

Building Your Synonym Snowmen

Cut the circles with synonyms and match them with the words on the snowman's hat, glue them together.