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Estimating Money Worksheets
Plug into our printable estimating money worksheets to excel in making rough calculations with money amounts. Remember not only are predictions or estimations at the heart of aspects of math such as statistics and demography among others, they also abound in everyday life. Practicing our pdf exercises, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade students quickly find the approximate estimates of sums, differences, products, and quotients of money values! Grab some of these worksheets for free!
Estimating Money: Sum and Difference - Dollars
Gain foundational insight into estimating money with these pdf worksheets. Round each amount to the nearest dollar; add them to estimate the total and subtract them to gauge the difference.
Estimating Money: Product and Quotient - Dollars
Jump-start making estimates with these printable worksheets! Grade 4 and grade 5 children multiply or divide the rounded money values as directed and estimate the product or quotient.
Estimating Money: Sum and Difference - Ten Dollars
Expedite obtaining estimates with our estimating money worksheets! Roughly calculate amounts to the closest ten dollars; predict the approximate sums and differences.
Estimating Money: Product and Quotient - Ten Dollars
Recalibrate your closest-ten estimation strategy! Round the money values to the nearest ten dollars and solve the problems and word problems by guessing the product or quotient.
Estimating Money: Sum and Difference - Ten Cents
Students of grade 5 and grade 6 reckon the total amounts and guesstimate the difference amounts in these pdf worksheets. They also find the approximate cost/price in the word problems.
Estimating Money: Product and Quotient - Ten Cents
Power up your estimating money prowess with this exercise! Make a mental estimation of the products and quotients of the monetary values approximating them to the nearest ten cents.
Estimating Money: Sum and Difference - Mixed
Assess how sound your estimation strategies are with this comprehensive review! Write down the estimated sums and differences of money amounts to the nearest $10, 10¢, and $1.
Estimating Money: Product and Quotient - Mixed
Grab these all-inclusive printable estimating money worksheets and augment your estimation skills! Round the monetary values as directed and predict the products and quotients.
Rounding plays an essential role in predicting the sums/differences, product or quotient of money amounts. Practice and perfect this skill with our rounding money worksheets.
(15 Worksheets)