Counting Backward by 6s Worksheets

Pore over this question. A jar contains 300 candies. If Ava gobbles six candies every day, how many candies will be left after eight days? Just count backward by 6s, 8 times to arrive at the answer. Got it? That's right, it's 252! Practice these printable skip counting backward by 6s worksheets for grade 2 and grade 3, and perfect counting backward by half dozens! Fill in the blank and partially filled charts, solve mazes, and do a lot more in these pdf worksheets. Explore some of them for free!

Counting Backward by 6s | Partially Filled

Get the hang of the skip counting backward by 6s with these partially filled worksheets. Write down the missing numbers in the range 300 to 6 and complete the descending sequence.

  • pdf 1
  • pdf 2
  • pdf 3

Count Backward by 6s to Find Missing Numbers | Standard

Benchmark a student's performance with these standard worksheets! Skip count backward by sixes and fill in the empty boxes with the missing numbers of the sequence.

  • practice 1
  • practice 2
  • practice 3
  • practice 4
  • practice 5

Count Backward by 6s to Find Missing Numbers | Themed

Slow and steady wins the race. Work out these snail-themed worksheets for a steady grasp of the concept! Count down by half dozens and number the empty snail shells.

  • worksheet 1
  • worksheet 2
  • worksheet 3

Complete the Path by Counting Backward by 6s

Ready to go to the Fun Island? Buckle up and forge ahead with this printable set for grade 2 and grade 3! Count backward by 6s and fix the stone bridge. As you power through, help the girls reach the island too.

  • exercise 1
  • exercise 2
  • exercise 3

Counting Backward by 6s | Mazes

Cast a spell of fun and intrigue on kids with these maze pdfs! Count backward by 6s and color the path to help the bunny find the Easter eggs, the skier reach the ski house, and the rocket land on earth.

  • pdf 1
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Counting Backward by 6s | Display Charts

Hurrah! Today, you have a skip-counting lesson by a kangaroo and fish. Delight in the joy as they hop and swish while you count down by 6s. Gain a good grasp of the descending order using the rail-themed chart.

  • chart 1
  • chart 2
  • chart 3

Completing the Backward Sequence

Evaluate a 2nd grade or 3rd grade kid's prowess to count backward by 6s with these blank pdfs. They need to start with 300, subtract 6 over and over, and write down the differences.

  • printable 1
  • printable 2
  • printable 3

Skip Counting by 6s Worksheets

Walk through this array of printable worksheets where your natural counting by 6s will do the trick. Also, find exciting activities for counting by 6s. Use this set to introduce multiplication facts of 6 too!

(48 Worksheets)