3rd Grade Math Worksheets

Teeming with adequate practice materials, the printable 3rd grade math worksheets with answer keys should be your pick if developing an understanding of multiplication and division within 100, using place value to round numbers, working with fractions, solving problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects, getting acquainted with the concepts of area and perimeter, representing and interpreting data and the like are on your mind. Count on our free grade 3 math worksheets to kick start your journey!

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Explore 180+ Third Grade Money Worksheets

Coloring Coins to Show the US Amount

Look at the price tag of each item, and color the coins required to buy it.

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  • pdf 3

Counting Coins and Bills | Up to $10

Observe the obverse and reverse of the coins and bills, add up the cents and dollars, and write the total amount.

  • printable 1
  • printable 2
  • printable 3

Comparing Money - Coins and Bills | Who Has More?

Count the money in each pouch, write the amount in '$', compare them using < or > symbols.

  • practice 1
  • practice 2
  • practice 3

Rounding Money to the Nearest Dollar

Check if the figures after the decimal are less than or greater than 50, and round off the amounts accordingly.

  • worksheet 1
  • worksheet 2
  • worksheet 3

Buying with the Minimum Coins and Bills

Write how many of the depicted bills and coins are required to buy the item; make sure to write the least number of them.

  • exercise 1
  • exercise 2
  • exercise 3

Is There Enough Money?

Fill in the blank with the total amount in each wallet, and check if it's enough to buy the required item.

  • pdf 1
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  • pdf 3

Adding Money

Recap decimal place value and add the prices of two objects; visualize adding money in real-life with the word problems.

  • printable 1
  • printable 2
  • printable 3

Subtracting Money

Subtract the money amounts and prices of items; relate money left over to the change received with the word problems.

  • practice 1
  • practice 2
  • practice 3

Matching Money and Prices | Cut and Glue Activity

Count the coins and bills shown on the purse; cut the item, the price of which matches the total and glue it below the purse.

  • worksheet 1
  • worksheet 2
  • worksheet 3

Ordering American Money - Price Tags

Examine the price tags on each item, and arrange the prices from the least to the greatest in part A and vice versa in part B.

  • exercise 1
  • exercise 2
  • exercise 3

US Money Unit Conversion

Implement the conversion factor $1 = 100¢, and convert cents to dollars in part A, and dollars to cents in part B.

  • pdf 1
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  • pdf 3

Adding and Matching Money

Scan the price tags, sum up the prices in dollars, and match the total with the equivalent value to the right.

  • printable 1
  • printable 2
  • printable 3

Expressing Amounts up to $100 in Words

Consider the figures to the left of the decimal point as dollars and those to the right as cents, and write the amounts in words.

  • practice 1
  • practice 2
  • practice 3