Counting Backward by 12s Worksheets

While the whole counting-down enterprise brings in insane enthusiasm among kids, the business gets a wee bit tricky when it comes to counting backward by 12s. Don't be tripped up yet. Our printable skip counting backward by 12s worksheets for grade 2, grade 3, and grade 4 have all the necessary exercises to mold kids' ability to count backward by dozens into undisputed mastery. They recognize multiples of 12 from the charts, and self-test their skills with the other pdfs. Give their learning a head start with our free worksheets!

Counting Backward by 12s | Partially Filled

Let these angry bird-themed worksheets be your lucky charm as you take on backward counting by 12s! Reaffirm the count sequence, subtract a dozen from the previous number, and figure out the missing numbers.

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Finding the Missing Numbers by Counting Backward by 12s | Standard

Spice up skip counting backward by 12s with this pdf worksheet designed to sound uniquely and excitingly distinct! Count down by 12s and write down the missing numbers on the empty boxes in each row.

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  • practice 4
  • practice 5

Finding the Missing Numbers by Counting Backward by 12s | Theme-Based

Counting seashells is always fun. But, enjoy a twist in the game with seashells numbered with multiples of 12! The task is to skip count backward by twelves and fill in the empty shells.

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Complete the Path by Counting Backward by 12s

These cat and mouse chase-themed worksheets involving skip counting backward by dozens at the core is counting amusement incarnate. Number the empty borrows, and help the mouse escape the cat.

  • exercise 1
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  • exercise 3

Counting Backward by 12s | Mazes

Many a time, finding an exit may not be the easiest thing in the world! Fine-tune the problem-solving skills of grade 2 and grade 3 kids with these puzzling mazes on skip counting backward by 12s!

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Counting Backward by 12s | Display Charts

600, 588, 576,..., 12. Such is the beauty of these themed display charts that 2nd grade and 3rd grade kids will cherish and treasure them. The job is to visually discern the numbers in the descending sequence of 12.

  • chart 1
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  • chart 3

Completing the Backward Sequence

Blank worksheets are where you can prove your mettle the most. Stand out among your peers by filling out these exercises. Start with 600, take away 12, and write the leftover. Repeat the steps until you reach 12.

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  • printable 3

Skip Counting by 12s Worksheets

Now that you have achieved mastery in counting backward, counting forward is going to be easy as pie! Watch a multiple of 12 in action every time you count by 12 while solving these no-prep worksheets.

(48 Worksheets)