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  2. Math>
  3. Geometry>
  4. Volume>
  5. Triangular Pyramids

Volume of a Triangular Pyramid Worksheets

Gain immense practice with this compilation of printable worksheets on finding the volume of triangular pyramids or tetrahedrons that are composed of four triangular faces. Equilateral, scalene and isosceles triangular bases have been included to help hone 8th grade and high school practice. Progress from easy to moderate and then to challenging levels and from integers to decimal dimensions, convert between units and find missing measures and much more. Free samples are also up for grabs.

Select the Measurement Units

Find the Volume using Base Area | Integers

Kick-start the process of finding the volume of triangular pyramids with this array of worksheets for grade 8, where the base area and height are expressed as integers. Plug in the values in the formula to calculate the volume.

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Find the Volume using Base Area | Decimals

Proceed to the next level with decimal dimensions. First multiply the base area with the height of the triangular pyramid and then find one-third of their product to compute the volume of each tetrahedron.

  • printable 1
  • printable 2
  • printable 3

Find the Volume of Triangular Pyramids | Easy

Using the base and height measures involving integers ≤ 20, work out the area of the base and then substitute the values in the formula V = 1/3 * Base Area * height to determine the volume of the pyramids in these pdf worksheets.

  • easy 1
  • easy 2
  • easy 3

Find the Volume of Triangular Pyramids | Moderate

Take your practice up a notch with the triangular pyramid problems offered as figures and in the word format with 2-digit integer dimensions. Find the base area, apply the formula and compute the volume.

  • moderate 1
  • moderate 2
  • moderate 3

Find the Volume of Triangular Pyramids | Decimals

Determine the base area using the base and height measures expressed as decimals. Divide the product of the base area and the height of the pyramid by 3 to find the volume of each pyramid featured here.

  • practice 1
  • practice 2
  • practice 3

Find the Volume of Triangular Pyramids | Challenging

The side measures of isosceles, equilateral and scalene triangles are provided in these challenging pdf worksheets. Apply appropriate formulas to find the base area and then compute the volume of each.

  • worksheet 1
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  • worksheet 3

Finding the Volume of Triangular Pyramids | Unit Conversion

Try this batch of worksheets where students are expected to convert the units to the one specified in the answer and then compute the volume of each triangular pyramid.

  • exercise 1
  • exercise 2
  • exercise 3

Find the Missing Dimensions

The volume of each triangular pyramid is provided along with either the base or height. Rearrange the formula, making the missing measure the subject, substitute the known values and find the missing dimension.

  • pdf 1
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  • pdf 3