4th Grade Language Arts Worksheets

Revolutionize practice with our printable 4th grade language arts worksheets with answer keys, offering unique learning avenues in relative pronouns, forming progressive verb tenses, using helping verbs and modal auxiliaries, ordering adjectives, using correct capitalization, and punctuation. Enrich domain-specific vocabulary and read text with purpose and understanding to support comprehension, draw inferences, and make predictions, summarize details, explain procedures and more. Significantly increase the contents of your teaching toolbox with our free grade 4 language arts worksheets.

Select Grade 4 ELA Worksheets by Topic

Explore 70+ Fourth Grade Reading and Writing Worksheets

City or Suburb? | Opinion Writing

If given a choice, would you prefer living in the hustle-bustle of the city or in a tranquil suburb? Write your preference and give reasons for your choice.

Packrat's Perfect Treasure | Reading Comprehension

Set off on a treasure hunt with Packrat and discover the true treasures of life. Pay attention to the key details and recount them to answer the questions.

Halloween Pumpkin | Expository Writing Prompt

Evoke spooky elements of Halloween as you explain the process of carving your jack-o-lantern. Transferring this process on paper is equally exciting.

Illustrative Inferences

Observe each picture and write what you infer, taking cues from the picture and the background knowledge you possess, using appropriate signal words.

Writing Facts and Opinions about Animals

Snip and glue the picture of your favorite animal and write two opinions and two facts about it.

Sequencing and Describing

Sequence the process of making a bowl of cereal by cutting the pictures, gluing them in order and describing the process.

Making Predictions | Hannah's Dilemma

Scan through the passage and help Hannah make the right decision. Will she buy the new doll or the bike she always wanted? Write your prediction.

Easter Egg Hunt | Reading Comprehension

Skim through the story and accompany Janet in the flashlight egg hunt and answer questions about key details in the story.

Story Prompt - 1

Weave your story around the haunted house, a spooky night, eerie bats, a graveyard and jack-o-lanterns, and give your readers some goosebumps!

Editing & Proofreading | Rewriting

Scout out the capitalization, punctuation, spellings, and grammar errors and rewrite each sentence fixing the errors.

Putting up the Christmas Tree | Reading Comprehension

Trimming the Christmas tree is an all-time favorite. Read the poem, and scout out the rhyming pairs of words and alliterations and answer questions too.

Global Warming | Research Report Writing

The weather patterns are rapidly changing. Research about global warming, comprehend the causes, and learn how we could prevent it.

Coloring Causes and Effects

Read the sentences and comprehend the causes and effects. Color the cause yellow and effect green in each sentence to differentiate between the two.

Decoding Unfamiliar Words Using a Dictionary

Look up a dictionary and write the first listed meaning of each given word and try to use it in a sentence of your own.

Favorite Color | Narrative Writing Prompt

A rainbow is a splendid sight, and the thought of its colors is enough to bring a smile. Write about your favorite color and substantiate with reasons.